Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bald Faced Promotion

In This Bloutcher
Where Art, Life and Leadership Intersect

  • Bald Faced Promotion
  • Additional Thoughts
Bald Faced Promotions

I usually don't use the main topic of my bloutcher to promote stuff but as my wife is fond of reminding me:  consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Actually, she acknowledges that Emerson said it first.  But, hey, there's that consistency thing again.

So here's the deal.

I am extremely excited by what my partners Kathy Jordan and Donna Krone and I have created:

        The Coach's Studio; Where Outrageously Creative           Coaching Happens.

As one participant put it:

"Imagine learning a cornucopia of creative approaches to life's challenges and applying new tools, techniques and having heaps of fun too.   That is what the master creative geniuses, Fred, Kathy and Donna direct you to do in class via a variety of platforms using large group, small group, videos, community chat and much, much more.  This is my all time favorite class!  I have integrated what I learned into my personal life as well as professionally with my clients.  This "THE" class for developing your inner creative muse as well as your client's, to address all those life challenges."

So if you are a coach please consider joining us.  The program is approved for 6 CEU credits in the core competencies.  Our Fall Session begins October 3rd.  We have arranged a substantial early bird discount if you register before September 7th.

Please forward this bloutcher entry to others you think might have interest.

To register directly, go to:

Of course, I would be happy to talk to you directly if you have any questions.  Just contact me at:

And if you would like to view the video we use to introduce the program please click on the following link:

 And one more thing.  Click on this link to view one of my all time favorite paintings.  It's by Rembrandt and it is entitled The Artist in His Studio.  This has been called the littlest large painting ever painting because it gives such a sense of space yet it is only 10 by 12 inches in size.  I like to think of it as a metaphor for how we think of ourselves.  Sometimes we think of ourselves as smaller than we really are, especially when you think of the great expanses contained within us!

Additional Thoughts
  • I'm writing from Quebec and half way through Joseph Jaworski's new book Source; The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation.  Jaworski continues his intellectual and spiritual journey in an effort to understand how to create profound change in the world.  As part of this journey he applies the ideas of David Bohm (he of quantum physics and the implicate order) to bring us to a "place of deeper knowing."  This is heady stuff and hard not to be swept up in the scope of its ambitions.
  • I have also just begun a fabulous new biography of Vincent Van Gogh by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith.  Reads like a novel.  I am trying to find Van Gogh's "place of deeper knowing."  Wouldn't it be a marvel and perhaps NOT surprising to discover there are parallel access points between the science of "deeper knowing" and the art of "deeper knowing."

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