Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Life in 69 Seconds

My Life in 69 Seconds

So here's how it happens. Someone sends me a link to a video which shows different famous artists morphing into each other. I think it's pretty cool but don't do anything about it.

Then that in-between-time rolls around--between Thanksgiving and New Years--and I find myself reflecting about the year just ending, the upcoming new year, life, getting older, what really matters. You know it. You probably experience similar stirrings. And then the video comes back into my thoughts and I wonder what my life would look like in a flash. Not quite a flash, but if a video were to show my life, one second for each year I have been alive. The question I am asking myself is: Who am I looking at in each of these images? So here it is: My Life in 69 Seconds. Click here.

Here's my question for you. Assuming you have one second for each year you have been alive, what are the ways you might represent your life? Then assume you have unlimited time. How might you best represent your life? I'd love to hear what you come up with!

Thanks to Matt White for his masterful job of putting together My Life in 69 Seconds. Here's his link:

Happy, healthy, creating holidays and 2012!!

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