Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I am a pair of endless eyes

In this Bloutcher
  • I am a pair of endless eyes
  • Announcement
I am a pair of endless eyes

I am sending this bloutcher sandwiched between the weddings of my two daughters five days apart. I am not feeling too coherent. All kinds of random thoughts and emotions are bubbling up at unexpected moments. So I've decided to go with it under the premise that incoherence is fertile ground for creativity and I wonder if there is a message in these thoughts, if there is a pattern in their randomness. So here are some of the thoughts/feelings that have shown up during this sandwich time.

  • Are these weddings an ending or a beginning?
  • My oldest daughter Hinda is named after my mother Helen (Hinda in Yiddish.) They never knew each other. I am bridge and barrier.
  • For years we told our youngest daughter Becky that she completed the circle--I come from a family of three children, Karen comes from a family of three children, Becky is the youngest of three. Does she complete the circle or grow the circle? In life, is there such a thing as a circle?
  • I feel young. I am 69 years old. Parents, grandparents are gone. I am a grandparent. Is this simply the biology of biology or the biology of emotions?
  • Sometimes I nudge toward despair. And then I kick myself.
  • I give gratitude for all that I have, but I tell the angels I suffer.
  • When I am painting I am lost and found.
  • When I write I think and cry.
  • When I am by the sea and watch the waves roll in I am a primordial Jewish amino acid. I breathe deeply and feel the depths.
  • I have a son Jacob. He is named after my father. They never met. I am bridge and barrier.
  • We fall. We get up. We fall. We get up. It goes on. Our human limits pain us, as does our belief in no limits.
  • I look at my daughters and I look and look and look. I am a pair of endless eyes.

Let me know if you see any patterns or themes here?

What would it look like if you were to capture your random thoughts/musings over the next five days? Give it a try.

Then step back from the canvas of your musings and see if there are any patterns or themes emerging.


  • I came across an interesting piece of information: the Japanese word for creativity is made up of three ideograms, each one with a meaning: to observe, to separate, to recompose. The Japanese define creativity by its process, not by its outcome! Thank you Andrea Fronzetti Colladon wherever you are.
  • We are now in pilot mode with Coaching for Life Change Artists. We aim to launch the full program in the fall. It will consist of three major elements: 1. a ten part self guided, self paced, interactive online training program, 2. support that guides coaches and mentors through how to integrate the tools, techniques and concept into their coaching/mentoring practice, 3. a dynamic online community of resources, support and conversation. Let me know if you want to be on our mailing list for updates on when the program will be live. Also let me know if there is anyone else you think might have interest.
  • Karen and I are off to France next week. More from the City of Light.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to know you got the message! I'm still wondering how.. I think the Japanese way to illustrate the meaning of the word creativity is the smartest one.
