Where Art, Life Change and Leadership Intersect
- Tagline
- 2012
- An Overt Promotion
As you can see I have added a tagline to my bloutcher. Now granted this tagline still leaves a pretty broad canvas. It is, however, more descriptive than let's say "All About Chocolate" or "The Economy and American Humor" or "Your Mamma's Guide to Politics."
I've added this tagline because it hopefully weaves a string of cohesion through my various entries. Over this past holiday I eyeballed past bloutchers, asking myself, what holds the bloutchers together? Why do folks continue to read it and send me many amazing thoughts and responses? And "Where Art, Life Change and Leadership Intersect" just bubbled to the surface. So there you have it. This is where I spend most of my time--at this intersection. It gives me license to travel the open road. From your responses I sense that I am not on this trip alone. I hope we will continue to share the journey.
Let me know what your 2012 tagline is!
So What's Up in 2012?
I am going to be focusing on two things:
Coaching for Life Change Artists. I am very excited about this program. I have joined forces with my co-author Kathy Jordan and coach extraordinaire Donna Krone to create a totally engaging online training program for coaches based upon our book Becoming a Life Change Artist. This program has been a response to the many inquiries we have received asking for training on the tools, concepts and techniques in the book. So voila! Personally, I think this program will change the way you look at EVERYTHING. To see an overtly promotional description of the program check the PROMO section below. Let me know if you are interested or know of others who might be. We are aiming to launch on February 29th.
My Painting. This one has me frightened because it raises the question: What if my vision outstrips my talent? Well, to begin--my "talent" is still being developed. I am a student. Is this too large an aspiration for this stage in my development? My vision is to
create a three dimensional visual experience--using both sides of the canvas laced with words, images, annotations--that chronicles family history using the traditionally two dimensional form of painting on canvas. There is a principle floating around that says you should begin with the end in mind. Well, broadly speaking, I just stated the vision, the end I have in mind. However, I have no idea how to get there or what it will ultimately look like. Do I proceed anyway? Or, do I develop my talent further before undertaking such a project? So I look to another principle. I am a believer in the principle that you develop your talent by doing the thing you want to develop your talent in. You may do it badly at first, but you will never get to do it well unless you first do it badly. So I'm off and running, uneasiness in the pit of my stomach, but off and running nonetheless. Here are photos of sections of a couple of canvases I have begun to work on. Unfinished, for sure.
Overt Promo:
Are you a coach?
Do you consider coaching an art form? A creative process? An empowering relationship? An act of co-creation?
Then I am excited to extend an invitation to you to sign up for The Coach's Studio. This highly engaging, interactive, content rich program is design to help you help your clients see their lives and possibilities in entirely new ways. You will notice changes in your own creative growth as well. We will show you how to take many of the creative secrets of the Great Masters of Art and apply them to your coaching relationships and practice.
Along with co-author Kathy Jordan and coach Donna Krone, CPC, we have created this program specifically for coaches in response to the many requests we have received to develop a training program that shows how to apply the tools, techniques and concepts from our award winning book Becoming a Life Change Artist to their practice.
Don't take it from me. Nationally recognized author and executive coach Richard Leider has said of Becoming a Life Change Artist that it is "one of those rare books that change the way you think about, well, everything." We have now brought the same perspective to our online training program.
Here is what you receive:
- 9 topic online, self paced, interactive, content rich training program, designed to be completed over a 10 week time frame
- Access to the Life Change Artist Community Forum
- 4 scheduled teleconference calls with Fred, Kathy and Donna
- "Skills at a Glance," showing which creati ve skills and exercises to use in various coaching situations
- License, upon completion, to use all material with clients. Use of Life Change Artist Logo affiliated with your website
- Affiliate status so you can earn additional revenues by referring other coaches to the program
- A special rate to bring clients through the program
- A right to use The Coach's Studio pre-formatted workshops
Sound interesting? Well, here are the many benefits of the program:
Client Benefits:
- You can take your clients through parts or all of the program
- Clients will view change and challenge as a creative opportunity
- Clients will have a framework for developing their creative skills
- Clients will have access to fun, interactive exercises which move them toward deep personal insight
- Clients develop new imaginative capabilities and gain fresh perspective
- Clients are emboldened to take appropriate risks
- Clients deepen their appreciation of the pow er of collaborative relationships
- Clients connect with a deeper self
Economic/Practice Benefits:
- Coaches realize the savings and convenien ce of participating from your own office
- Coaches gain access to the collective wisdom of experts and the group
- Coaches can realize potential expanded revenue sources from existing clients, acquiring new clients, conducting group programs, affiliate fees
- Coaches can leverage marketing position as a Life Change Artist licensee
- Coaches have access to new and unique portfolio of tools, concepts and resources
Professional Benefits:
- Meet like minded professionals and fellow travelers
- Learn best practices
- Enjoy fun and highly interactive exercises
- Control the where and when through flexibility and ease of use
- Find collaborative opportunities
- Expand your professional network
Personal Benefits:
- Stimulates new levels of personal and prof essional creativity
- Enhances your personal confidence
- Connects your creativity to your spirituality
- Energizes you personal relationships
And what exactly is the offer?
We are making the full program available for a limited time period to a limited number of coaches initially at $398.50. This is half the full price of $797 when we go to a full launch. The program kicks off on February 29th. This special offer will end when we launch the program.
If you are interested or have questions please send me an email at famandell@verizon.net